
five steps


what we can do naturally

(eg. better superfoods) – and do it


what we can do with mechanics

(nanotechnology) – and do it


what we can do biologically

(in vivo genetic engineering) – and do it


do it much faster

than human civilization is doing it now


make it all dirt cheap

Asap, easy

  • Cooperative work platform with disperse control mechanisms
  • Database aggregating all current research, traditional medicine
    (Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Western Folk Medicine) and N=1 cases
    (“bro science”), since the “hole in the matrix” might help understand the matrix
  • AI profiled for medical research, fed with parametrized data from the database
    – will surely come up with groundbreaking result
  • Webpage and app offering free and easy access to all the above-mentioned data

Easy with
serious funding

  • DNA research about longevity: both living and deceased
  • Research on the longest living large animals
    (greenland sharks, greenland whales, giant turtles) as well as animals in general
  • Sleep research: do we regenerate more during sleep than we age?
    If so – room for improvement!

Diet research

  • Research on diet in controlled environment. Self-reporting sucks
  • Establishing true bodily requirements of micro- and macronutrients,
    the numbers may vary from current RDA, which was established basing
    on “healthy” people 100 years ago, there might be room form improvement

Hard but crucial

  • Teeth regrowth
  • Nanobots cleaning veins and gut (arterial plaque, leaky gut, dysbiosis)
  • Crazy breakthrough that collective mind will come up with, place for you to shine