young again

and forever


Now. Not in 20 years.
Speed is crucial.


None. Break the paradigm, do
unusual and unorthodox things.


With team of geniuses with
a single task: research.


Not just being old for
a couple years more.

Young again and forever.
Accelerate progress to attain eternal youth and biological immortality.
We will break the paradigm, do unusual and unorthodox things.

see masterplanarrow

Team of geniuses with
a single task: research.

AI analyzing all existing and future research.
Team of engineers with a single task: implement the research.
Fully transparent, collective, community-driven and disperse-controlled

more about usarrow

who we are

  • We are NEW18.
  • We follow a dream of eternal youth and immortality.
  • We operate as a fully transparent foundation (not a company).
  • We are radically different from everything you’ve ever seen before.

our values

  • Transparency. Honesty. Speed.
  • Messianic universalism.
  • Fight for a good future of civilization.
  • Fight for a good place of every single human being in it.

logo & name meaning

  • Symbol of infinity inscribed into radically simplified organic chemistry ring.
  • At 18 average homo sapiens reaches the peak of the brain processing
  • power and biological prowess.
    18 is the age of majority.

Fully transparent,
collective and

All research is done collaboratively, with dispersed control. Verified users can actively take part in research, everyone can post on forum.

All physical research is done under constant monitoring, available as stream. It is not just for you to see where your money is going, it also safeguards NEW18 from malicious sabotage.


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